Here we talk about how we are all connected–whole, not separate–the tenth of the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing. AH is a simplified version of A Course in Miracles, developed by Jerry Jampolsky). In AH groups members apply the principles to almost any difficulty they have.
In my recent posts, I summarized the first nine principles:
Principle 1. The Essence of our Being is Love, and Love is Eternal
Principle 2. Health Is Inner Peace, Healing Is Letting Go of Fear
Principle 3. Giving Is the Same As Receiving
Principle 4. We Can Let Go of The Past And of The Future
Principle 10: We Can Focus On The Whole Of Life Rather Than The Fragments
In order to feel inner peace we need to begin to focus on at-one-ness with ourselves and those around us. This means that we can begin to dispel the feelings of separateness which consistently cause us only pain. It is another of those barriers we put up to protect ourselves from being hurt.
When we get caught in the right/wrong, good/bad trap, we are only seeing a fragment of the whole. When we play this game, there is no way that we can be peaceful. It is always a “no win” situation regardless of what the momentary outcome may be.
We can learn to have a new attitude toward ourselves, others around us, and the world we see. We can recognize that there is a greater whole other than the tunnel vision through which we sometimes look.
Through an active power within us, we can learn to sense a greater picture. This power allows us to expand and become aware of this greater whole so that we don’t need to get caught up in the conflict that others are experiencing. The conflict they are going through is their path, not ours.
Our job is to stay focused so that we can begin to see each situation differently and not become a part of a meaningless pattern. To do this,
we raise our consciousness to a higher level of awareness by
retraining our minds as each situation arises. We can say to ourselves, “I do not choose to get caught up in what is happening right now, but instead choose to see the whole of life.”
By doing this, our focus broadens and changes and we start to see things differently. There is a tremendous excitement in the experience of the changes that take place inside us when we change our thought patterns.
Source material: Teach only Love by Jerry Jampolsky and AH Review Principles Booklet
More About Attitudinal Healing
You can easily find Attitudinal Healing groups by searching in your area. They are helpful for anyone who is struggling with any life situation. Many years ago, I joined my mentor, Jane Stallings, in California to become a facilitator for Attitudinal Healing groups. There, I got to meet Jerry Jampolsky (now deceased). What a wonderful contribution he has made to the world!

My newest book, Love More Now: Facing Life’s Challenges with an Open Heart is available from Amazon HERE or Barnes and Noble HERE.
My award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, is only $8.95 at GigiLanger.com/buy (e-book at Amazon)
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Gigi Langer has been sober 38 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Her 50 Ways to Worry Less Now won an Indie Excellence Award in 2019. Gigi worked at Eastern Michigan University for 25 years, and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat, Easter.