LISTEN to THE RECOVERY SHOW PODCAST as Spencer and I share WHAT TO DO when your spouse, partner, or child is making a mess of their lives (and yours!). We’ve both been there, and at first, living with an alcoholic scared the @#% out of us!
You may remember that my dear (4th) husband, Peter, started drinking again after 20 years of sober marriage. I had met him at an AA meeting, and had never–ever–seen him drink. Then suddenly I had to watch it—and figure out how to handle it. Here’s how we did it. And, you can do it too.
CLICK HERE TO learn how to find sanity as you watch a loved one crash and burn as an alcoholic or addict. Gain many tips and ideas for your own recovery.
A BIG THANK YOU to Spencer for the Recovery Show podcast–“A 12-step recovery for those of us who love alcoholics or addicts. We share our experience, strength, and hope as we use the principles of the Al-Anon program in our lives. We talk openly and honestly about the problems and challenges as we face alcoholism and addiction in our friends and relatives. We share the tools and solutions we have found that let us live a life that is serene, happy, and free, even when the alcoholic or addict is still drinking or using.”
So many of The Recovery Show listeners have already ordered 50 Ways to Worry Less Now--amazing!
Love More Now, Reflections on Open-Hearted Living

Gigi Langer has been sober 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat Easter.

Gigi’s award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, describes how to correct the faulty thinking leading to addiction, dysfunctional relationships, perfectionism, and worry about loved ones. Check out the practical directions, personal stories, and other helpful growth tools. Amazon: 4.8 stars (Buy Discounted, personally signed Paperback with free Workbook PDF HERE)