I hope you’ve been enjoying your summer. I sure have! Here you’ll find a NEW Interview on the “When I Stop Fighting” Podcast and an introduction to Hot Stuff–an Awesome Children’s Book!

We just returned from 2 weeks in Norway and Copenhagen, and I could not believe how gorgeous the fjords are–especially those up above the Arctic Circle! Here we are at the Troll museum in Tromso, at the very top of Norway. The mirror was interactive and made Peter’s image into a troll; I was behind, taking a picture of him!
If you want to know about Daryl, just consider the title to his 2023 book: WHEN I STOP FIGHTING The Unexpected Joy of Getting My Head Out Of My Ass . When I saw the title I just had to read it! It’s really good!

What I love about being interviewed on podcasts is that I learn SO MUCH from the host. Here we discuss how people need guidance in many areas of life, not just addiction: worry, anxiety, perfectionism, workaholism, or dysfunctional relationships. Here are a few more key ideas we highlight. To listen to us, just click on picture above or click HERE.
- Our pace of healing is not always orchestrated by us. Left to our own devices rarely works. We need some type of help and assistance.
- How family can barrel over us emotionally and mentally. We desire to be loved and we try everything in our power to achieve that.
- Relationships are the toughest part of recovery. Gotta find the patterns and coping strategies we’ve used. People pleasing, workaholism, martyrdom, etc.
- There’s freedom in knowing we can have a lot of input on what goes on in between our ears.
- Alanon, AA, Adult Children of Alcoholics can all be very helpful in emotional healing.
Daryl Dittmer is an entrepreneur and recently published author, and has been sober for decades. He shares his insights on achieving sobriety and transforming one’s life from a state of despair to a remarkable journey of self-discovery and growth, both internally and externally. Through sharing his personal experiences, Daryl aims to inspire and support those who are willing to listen.
** KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR DARYL’S NEWEST BOOK, When YOU Stop Fighting, due in early September.
HOT STUFF, THE DRAGON by Patti Anderson

Last summer, my neighbor, Patti Anderson, called and asked for some guidance on publishing her children’s book. I must have given her some helpful tips, because, here it is in my hands, released this summer; and it is AMAZING!
Come along with Hot Stuff the dragon and his hot air balloon adventure. Find out if he finally gets to live his dream of riding in a hot air balloon race and all the trouble he gets into along the way.
In addition to a captivating story, I fell in love with the illustrations by Anna Christian. They are darling! Just look at the cover for a sample. “Hot Stuff” will steal your heart!
Here is the link from Amazon so you can purchase it for your favorite little ones! Just click on this link https://a.co/d/5A6PGHd to order this precious book, suitable for ages 1-12.

My newest book, Love More Now: Facing Life’s Challenges with an Open Heart is only $9.99 –available from Amazon HERE or Barnes and Noble HERE.
Get my award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, for only $8.95 at GigiLanger.com/buy (e-book at Amazon)
Thank you for POSTING your REVIEWs on Amazon.
Gigi Langer has been sober 38 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Her 50 Ways to Worry Less Now won an Indie Excellence Award in 2019. Gigi worked at Eastern Michigan University for 25 years, and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat, Easter.