Gigi Langer

Worry Less Now!

 Love More Now!


Well, the time has finally come! After six months of work, next week Robin Waters (narrator) and I are releasing the 6-hour audiobook for 50 Ways to Worry Less Now! You might have a few questions, so here’s a brief Q & A.

If it’s coming out this week, then why does the banner above say Oct. 22-28? This week is the “soft launch” (without a ton of promotion), but you can get it as soon as it goes “live” on Amazon, Audible, or i-tunes. The “full launch” is October 22-28 with all the hoopla of a blog tour.

What’s a blog tour? I’ve hired Jess at Audiobookworm to schedule “hosts” to feature the audiobook on their blogs or websites between Oct 22 – 28. Ideally, this burst of promotion sells a lot of books in a short amount of time, resulting in “bestseller status” on Amazon/Audible.

How can I help? Even if you don’t have a website or blog, you can still do a LOT. And we’d really appreciate it! You can 1) post reviews of the audiobook or 2) participate in the online blog tour.

1) LISTEN TO & REVIEW THE AUDIOBOOK. (I offered a free copy to the first 20 who sign up; but I still have a few more available. If you want one, contact me.) Please post reviews on Audible, Amazon or i-tunes; Goodreads; and all your social media sites. (You can do this anytime.)

2) JOIN THE Oct. 22-26 BLOG TOUR (as a “Host”). To participate, you need your own website (or blog) about Audiobooks, Recovery, or Wellness. During the tour week, you post a review, &/OR audio excerpt, &/OR the cover and description, &/OR a written interview with me. Or, if you wish, I’ll even contribute an article for your blog! ** To sign up as a host: Click HERE between Sept. 22 – Oct. 15, and Jess will send you all the information. Her directions are very clear and she’s so kind. You’ll receive the free audiobook, plus you’ll be eligible to win a free giveaway (your choice of a paperback of “Worry Less Now” with a Workbook, or 2 Skype personal coaching sessions with me).

PS. YOU ALREADY KNOW ME, BUT HOW ‘BOUT OUR AUDIOBOOK NARRATOR, ROBIN WATERS? You may recall that I tried to begin narrating the book myself, but soon found the technology plus all those hours in a closet too daunting! So, I went in search of a narrator and found the perfect person.

Robin Waters grew up in Southern California and left home early to get professional theatrical training and pursue her dream. In her early twenties, she found a new passion–holistic health–and shifted her focus to become a wellness educator.

She currently lives in Canada where she stays busy writing, demonstrating how to cook healthy food, and leading workshops and women’s circles. She loves cuddling and reading out loud with her son and daughter. Now that they are older, she has returned to her first loves of narrating and performance. There is something magical about connecting with others through voice and sharing the human experience with good storytelling and characters. 

Partnering with Gigi to produce this book was a gift, as it was a beautiful combination of her two passions. She has spent a lifetime overcoming worry/anxiety, and finding herself through expression and connection. She hopes this audiobook brings you more inner peace and is a comfort on your journey toward a vibrant life.

Gigi Langer

Gigi Langer holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She is an acclaimed teacher, author, and speaker who has helped thousands improve their lives at home and work. Gigi hasn’t had a drug or drink for over 30 years, although she does occasionally overindulge in Ghirardelli chocolate and historical novels. She lives happily in Michigan with her husband, Peter and her cat, Murphy.

ANXIETY? Who, me??

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Free app: RecoveredCast


June 25, 2019 – Show 1010 – Topic: Anxiety

FACT: About 20% of Americans struggle with anxiety and worry.

Last night I participated in the amazing and awesome “RecoveredCast” show. Thanks to Mark, Matt, and Kurt (and those who called in) for making our conversation about anxiety so honest and helpful.

RecoveredCast is like a 12-step meeting in your pocket. The show streams live with a chat room to interact with other listeners and the show hosts. The purpose is to encourage and support those walking the path of recovery from any addiction (alcohol, drugs, people, food, gambling, work, shopping, etc.).

Even if you’re not in a 12-step group, you’ll enjoy the inspiring, personal stories about anxiety in recovery, and you may find some helpful ideas for coping with it.

Click HERE (or on the link below) to listen to this fascinating discussion!

Worry Less Now Cover

Order your PERSONALIZED SIGNED COPY of award winner, “Worry Less Now” (Amazon 4.7 stars) – 10% discount plus free shipping! Click HERE

gigi langer worry less now
  • Gigi Langer has been clean and sober for 33 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She’s a sought-after speaker and retreat leader who has helped thousands improve their lives at work and at home. 

GRIEVANCES BE GONE! Give up judgment to find love and connection

worry less now

Grievances–grudges, judgment, criticism, resentment, blame, disapproval, or attack—block us from happiness and serenity.

“Well I don’t DO those things,”

You might think this, and you’re probably right. But what about the condemning attitudes living in our minds? Can any of us say we don’t constantly judge others’ words and actions? Of course we do.

It sounds like this: “If I were him, I wouldn’t do that.” “Why can’t she just get along with us? What’s wrong with her?” “They should not be doing that; they’re corrupt.”

The Problem with Grievances

Even though such statements seem true, the problem is that we’re focusing on the negative rather than the positive.

When we choose to hold a grievance, we can’t see the other person’s true self—the purity of their spirit. Further, if we can’t see the goodness in them, we can’t claim it for ourselves. What we send out to others comes back to us; it’s that simple.

Many of us deny our own negativity by numbing ourselves with substances or other unhealthy habits—a dead end to positive growth. Even those trying to be more positive still struggle with inherent dark thoughts. I certainly do.

The good news is that I’ve found so many ways to escape my mind’s tendency to criticize and judge. You can find them in my book, “Worry Less Now,” and in my blog.

How to Overcome A Grievance

Here’s a technique that showed up today as I read Lesson 78, “Let miracles replace all grievances,” from A Course in Miracles. First I was to recall all my negative thoughts about an important person in my life: what that person had done, their “weaknesses,” and other offenses. Then I was to ask spirit to help me see him through the eyes of love—“Let your mind be shown the light in him beyond your grievances.”  Then it suggested that I thank this person for prompting my negativity and discomfort so that I could release it and be peaceful and happy.

I just did the exercise as directed. As I chose to focus on the perfection of this person’s spirit rather than the images my mind had conjured, I found a deep peace creep over me. I could hardly remember what I thought was “wrong,” and I felt a loving connection with the person. As a result, I felt the light of spirit growing in myself.

The miracle of replacing fear with love had occurred. Amen.

I would love to hear from you: What gets in the way of your serenity? How do you overcome grievances or grudges?

Worry Less Now Cover

Gigi Langer has been clean and sober for 33 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She’s a sought-after speaker and retreat leader who has helped thousands improve their lives at work and at home. 

Read her blog here or order her award-winning book (50 Ways to Worry Less Now) from Barnes and NobleAmazon (5 stars), and all e-book vendors. 


miracles of recoveryHarriet Hunter has written one of the best daily meditation books I’ve seen in a long time. I just love reading it each morning. Below is an excerpt of the April 21st meditation (p. 123) from Miracles of Recovery: Daily Meditations of Hope, Courage.    (Order book Here)

“How many times have we heard others put someone down with, ‘You’re not good enough to do that,’ or ‘You’ll never be able to. . .’?  Do these or similar statements resonate within you?

“These are the telltale signs of self-sabotage.  “Self-sabotage is the mechanism used to denigrate our power, as if we have none at all.  “We become what we think. We need to stop rehearsing our rejections.

“Over time, self-sabotage becomes form fitting, snug in the mis-identification of our self-worth. It feels familiar, safe and warm. We know self-sabotage well because we’ve endured it for a lifetime.

“Somewhere we heard we should promote others while sacrificing ourselves to gain friends and keep the peace. To do so would be to tell ourselves the greatest lie of all: We deserve nothing, but others do. Treating ourselves with the same gentleness and loving care we give to family and others is what we need.

“There is plenty of inner strength and fortitude already deep inside, and we deserve to hear it reflected in our voice.

“So why not let it begin with us? No longer can we allow ourselves to take part in self-deprecating talk. Our voice is listening, waiting for the echo of words that promise love and kindness for who we are.

“When we change the way we see ourselves, we get to change our lives and the way others see us too, with resonating confidence.”

Today’s Meditation
“Today I am conscious of how others speak to me and how it makes me feel. I will not accept negative, demeaning talk from anyone–even me–as I recreate with loving care who I want to be.“

harrietHunter GigiLangerHarriet Hunter (shown here with me at the Venice FL Book Fair) is the author of the 2018 Miracles of Recovery: Daily Meditations of Hope, Courage. She is a person in long-term recovery, an expert on journaling, and an inspiration to all who know her.  Her book is fabulous! Order book HERE Website here     FB: Harriet Hunter Author