I’ve been sensing a seismic change in and around me, extending out to the entire planet. This viral threat has prompted many of us to reach deep down inside for something bigger and stronger than our fear.
I might call it an urge for loving connection.
Love is a force for goodness that wipes out all worry and negativity. And I believe it’s essential to our survival right now.
Choose love rather than fear—every moment.
If we spread fear, it amplifies, with perilous results, such as war, stealing, hate-speech, demonizing of politicians, and so on.
Love, however, heals all separation, judgment, and condemnation; and it too amplifies as it’s shared.
So, I ask you to decide right now: Are you going to succumb to fear and separation, or will you rise up in loving connection?
Be a love finder, not a fault-finder
This lesson from Attitudinal Healing* says it so simply: “Be a Love Finder, Rather than a Fault Finder.”
Finding fault is criticizing others in the arrogant belief that “we know better,” thus casting them out of our hearts. Unfortunately, such destructive thoughts only make everything worse—in our own minds and in the world.
How, then, do we become love finders?
We connect our hearts with one another via thoughts, prayers, and spoken words of hope, care, and affection. We choose to see the light in each person, regardless of their words and actions. We get out of the “judge’s seat” and leave it to a power much wiser than us.
So, let’s start now by making our “survival strategy” one of loving connection rather than fault-finding!
*Attitudinal Healing was developed by Gerald Jampolsky, one of the early students of A Course in Miracles. These essential lessons of love are taught world-wide to heal illness and negative thinking.

Gigi Langer, 34 years sober, holds a Ph.D. in Psychological Studies in Education and an MA in Psychology from Stanford University. Through her writing, coaching, and speaking, Gigi has helped thousands of people improve their lives at home and work. A former professor of teacher education at Eastern Michigan University, she lives in Michigan and Florida with her husband, Peter, and Murphy, her cat.

Get Gigi’s new book, “50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection” (5 Stars on Amazon). Available in audio, e-book, and paperback Click HERE for special offers.
- “This book is a winner.” –Karen Casey, Bestselling Hazelden author
- “Valuable, heartfelt manual.” Publishers Weekly (BookLife)