I wanted to share with you an excerpt from my new book, “Love More Now.” It’s about opening our hearts to live from the joy of our true self, a source of peace, wisdom, and Love. Due this fall, it’s coming along well!

Living with an open heart connects us to our true self–the source of intuitive wisdom, compassion for ourselves and others and, most importantly, JOY.
As Shelby John puts it, joy is “the brick and mortar of our lives, a lasting inside job. It’s the place we arrive after years of practice, commitment, and sacrifice. True joy is when despite all the craziness happening in life, even with all the heartbreak, grief, disappointment, anger, and sadness, you are solid on the inside.”
This “solid on the inside” part of you, the unchanging, beautiful essence of who you are, is what we call here your true self. Open-hearted living, connected to our true self—doesn’t that sound wonderful?
Imagine It!
You may question if it’s achievable. Operating from a place of worry is what we’re accustomed to, after all. But, what if it wasn’t?
Well, use your imagination! Imagine what your own open-hearted, solid-on-the-inside life might feel and look like. First, think of situations where your heart opens naturally—seeing the smile of a loved one, hearing a favorite melody, sharing words of love, feeling gratitude for the gifts in your life or a kindness received. In such golden moments, we behold only the shining, open hearts of our true selves and others’. Whatever seems troublesome or wrong in our world just fades away.
What Gets in The Way of Joy?
Unfortunately those naturally open-hearted moments can be few and far between. Why don’t we live in this joy-filled, peaceful state all the time? It’s because our fears close our hearts to our true self, effectively blocking its gifts. The buildup of years, decades, even lifetimes of “glass-half-empty” thinking causes our hearts to close, tightly and painfully.
That being the case, most of us need help in learning how to not let fear rule our lives and close our hearts for good. It takes guidance and a conscious effort to wake up to–and change–the negative patterns that have sabotaged our relationships, our peace of mind, our health, and life in general.
You probably wouldn’t have picked up this book if some problem in your life wasn’t worrying you, nagging you to solve it, but with no solution in sight. Maybe an ongoing conflict with a loved one or a grudge against a co-worker. Perhaps you find yourself challenged by your own or another’s health problems. Sometimes it’s a dream or goal you are drawn to but just can’t seem to achieve. Finally, let’s not forget the visceral feelings of threat from personal financial woes or the problems of the world at large. Reacting to these situations with fear can paralyze us into thinking there are no solutions, and all is lost. Boom! Our heart is closed.
All is Not Lost
What if you could find a way to work through your fears so that you could open your heart to the wisdom, compassion and joy of your true self? From there, you can give and receive healthy love in every situation, even problematic ones. Instead of obsessing about what isn’t going right in your world, you will live from your true self, where love, wisdom, and courage can vanquish any challenge you face. Read on to find how to get there.

Gigi Langer has been sober 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat Easter.

Gigi’s award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, describes how to correct the faulty thinking leading to addiction, dysfunctional relationships, perfectionism, and worry about loved ones. Check out the practical directions, personal stories, and other helpful growth tools. Amazon: 4.8 stars (Buy Discounted, personally signed Paperback with free Workbook PDF HERE)
Loved the Shelby John quote. So much so, I shared with my Saturday group and it was the topic of our meeting. Can’t wait to read your new book!