Thanks to our dear friend, Josh Guiles, for cleaning up this video of my talk on changing negative thinking. Check out his cool video work here:Â Â or FB J Guiles Creative
PS: If you want to learn more, order my new book, “50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection” here.
Positive Thinking: Let Go & Let God
The  4/24/18 post  explained that positive thinking is only the first in three steps to manifesting your best future.  In Step 1, you declared your intention, stated it often, and continually visualized its completion. Beware tho’ of getting so attached to a desire that youâre consumed by it. That’s where Step 2 comes in:  LET GO & LET GOD ** (Non-Attachment to the Outcome)
After being asked how he remained so calm in the middle of lifeâs storms, an enlightened master replied âI donât mind what happens.â This is non-attachment. It boils down to a humble admission that your thoughts and actions, especially when theyâre based on worry, donât always lead to the best results. Itâs trusting that **a power wiser than your own intellect might have a better outcome. You can then approach life without fighting it, judging it, or needing to control it. In other words, you let go and let God take care of it.
So, if this is non-attachment, what then is attachment? Attachment is the mother of all worries. When youâre attached, your negative thinking insists it knows exactly how things should turn out. Further, youâve made your own happiness dependent upon reaching a specific result.
In contrast, non-attachment offers you peaceful acceptance and creative freedom. Recall the guideline suggesting your affirmation include âin the best way for all concerned.â These words signify you trust your positive power to fashion a good result, even if it looks different from your initial goal.
How do you know if youâre overly attached to something? Just ask yourself, âHow often do the words should, must, or ought go through my mind?â Attachment sounds like this:
- My daughter should stop using drugs.
- This person, (fill in the blank), must be nicer to me.
- The mayor (or president, legislator, etc.) is wrong and ought to (fill in the blank).
- I should be healthy and happy and never experience troubling situations.
These are examples of what Fred Luskin, the director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project, calls unenforceable rules. Such rules demand an outcome you believe must come true, but over which you have no control. Luskin writes in Forgive for Good that these inflexible beliefs make you feel helpless, angry, hurt, hopeless or bitter.
Although holding an unenforceable rule may feel goodâeven nobleâit doesnât mean you can make it happen. In the first example, the daughter should stop using drugs, but no matter how persuasive the motherâs arguments, she doesnât have the power to make her daughter stop. The mother does, however, have control over her own choices and behavior. She can seek help from a therapist or Al-Anon, and claim a positive power to work in the situation. Then, she might choose a goal for how she wants to act and feel, detach from the result, and use growth tools for her own peace of mind, regardless of her daughterâs choices.
One of my own unenforceable rules became clear as I was writing this book. When my mother passed away, I found it difficult to write and became discouraged by my lack of progress. When I honestly faced my belief that I must complete the book by a certain date, I became willing to see it differently. After meditating, I let go of my false belief and affirmed, âI will finish writing the book at the perfect time.â Then I turned the results over to my higher power. Even though the publication date was much later than I had planned, it was in perfect order. I used the extra time to do marketing and promotion so when it did come out, it was a big success.
The essence of non-attachment is peacefully allowing life to unfold. Nothing becomes a live-or-die situation because you know your loving power is working things out, with results that may far surpass your greatest hopes. Letting go in this way works!
Let Go & Let God Exercise. Detach from Specific Outcomes
After setting a goal, your subsequent thoughts and actions will indicate if youâre overly attached to it or not. The following exercise will help you find out.
- Think about a troubling situation (perhaps the one you wrote your affirmation about in April 24 blog). List the frequent thoughts youâve had about it and the actions youâve taken to make it better.
- Next to each thought or action, write A for attachment or N for non-attachment.
Write A if your thought or action was driven by:
- Worry about the results;
- Thinking about the hurtful details;
- A need to fix your situation right away; or
- Insistence on one right solution.
Write N if your thought or action helped you:
- Focus on your own responsibilities, thoughts, and feelings;
- Affirm a positive power working toward the best for all concerned;
- Practice patience and compassion with yourself and others; or
- Listen with care and express your feelings and needs kindly.
- Make note of the unenforceable rules or whispered lies blocking your progress. Let go of them and let God (positive power) take charge.
- Accept that it may take time for your situation to work out. Trust that the use of growth toolsâalong with your honesty, positive power, and good choicesâwill improve your circumstances.
Now that youâve released your attachment to a desired outcome, youâre ready for Step 3: Get to Work with Growth Tools. Ironically, you wonât begin with direct actions to reach your goal. Instead, youâll use various tools to enlist the power to achieve it. The 50 tools I use most often can be found in my book and in other blog posts. Best of luck!

Gigi Langer holds an MA in Psychology and PhD in Psychological Studies in Education, both from Stanford. Sheâs also an educator, speaker, and author of 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection (February, 2018), available in e-book formats and in print from Amazon. Â
âLangerâs frank and empathetic tone will comfort readers, as will the practical steps she teaches.â (Featured Book, BookLife by Publishers Weekly)Â Â Â âHer honesty will blow you away! It is beautifully written; filled with humor and authenticity.â (Member of Al Anon)
Does Positive Thinking Really Work?
Manifesting your best future requires more than just positive thinking. These vision boards helped me manifest my dream.
Here’s how you can do it too:
- Declare your dream or intention. Whatâs your vision of who you want to be in your life?
- Let go of attachment to the outcome. Will you trust–even a little bitâthat your positive power can help you achieve your wishes in a way that yields the highest good for all, even if itâs in an unexpected way?
- Get to work with growth tools. Will you direct your mind away from your negative thinking and toward loving power, so your desired outcomeâor something betterâwill occur?
STEP 1. Declare Your Dream
The first step is to write an affirmation using the following guidelines.
- Use the present tense. State your desire as if it has already happened: âI am relaxed, smart, and successful when I take my exam,â âI see (_________) without criticism and offer kindness instead.â
- Use positive language. Make your statement affirmative: âI have strong flexible shoulders.â Avoid all negative language; for example, replace âI am not in pain,â with âI am free of pain and enjoy good health.â
- Use concrete and emotionally powerful terms. The affirmation, âMy marriage is strong, loving, honest, and wonderful!â arouses confident, optimistic feelings.
- Make it open to loveâs direction. Add the words, âin the best way for all involved,â or âas positive power would have it be.â (Read April 4, 2018 blog for more about âpositive power.â)
âI write wonderful books in a wonderful way. I offer wonderful service for wonderful pay,â are the affirmations that helped me write my book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now. I adapted them from an example in Florence Scovel Shinnâs The Game of Life and How to Play It. The rhyme of way and pay helped me repeat my intention often. The phrase wonderful service engaged my wish to offer support and hope to others. And, of course, I am open to a positive payoff in whatever form it may appear!
To manifest my goal, I also practiced visualizationâa mental programming technique using vivid images. Many successful athletes use this technique to enhance their performance, among them Jordan Spieth, the youngest winner of the 2017 British Open Golf Tournament, who often refers to seeing the shot before he hits the ball.
At the top of this post you can see photos of the two five-by-seven-inch, laminated vision boards I used to visualize my success. The words âCreate something good. Yes, you! Youâre done,â gave me inspiration. The dove, hearts, and word serenity reminded me of my positive powerâs help. The woman leaping over the round object represents me overcoming my worries and achieving my goal. Oprah Winfrey is a symbol of courage and service to others.
I placed my vision boards on my desk in my direct line of vision. Before I began writing, I said my affirmations aloud, visualized them as true, and then connected my heart with the images on my boards.
I often visualized a future book-signing event where people tell me how much my book has helped them. Two months ago, I lived that dream at my first book signing event.
Suddenly, I looked up from signing a book, and gasped in amazement. I was experiencing exactly what I had visualized for so many years!
Weâll start with Step 1; the next two blog entries will lead you through the other steps for manifesting your own dreams.
STEP 1. Write Your Affirmation
Think of a challenging situation thatâs been worrying you, and imagine how you would like to feel and act in that situation. Just remember, if your goal involves another person, make sure you indicate how you want to be rather than focusing on how you want them to be.
1.    Use the guidelines to write your affirmation in your journal. If youâd like, add the words, âThank you, (the name you use for positive power) for (fill in the blank).â
2.    Copy your affirmation onto a sticky note, and put it in a spot where youâll frequently see it.
3.    Place another copy of your intention in a small box or special place.
4.    Repeat your affirmation as often as you can.
5.    Make a vision board that represents how you want your life to be when your desire is accomplished. Cut words and illustrations from magazines, draw pictures, or use photos. Arrange them in a way that is meaningful to you on a small card or larger piece of cardboard. The only absolute is that your board portray how your life will look after meeting your goal.
6.    Focus on your vision board images a couple of times a day and just before bedtime.
7.    When you state your affirmation or look at your vision board, immerse yourself in the emotions and sensations you would have if your wish were already fulfilled.
Now that youâve chosen your goal, you come face-to-face with the hardest part of the process: STEP 2: Let the outcome go. Your first inclination might be to try to exert control to get the exact results you want. Your best option, however, is to do the opposite: Let go by cultivating the Buddhist virtue of nonattachment.
More on that in the next blog entry.

Gigi Langer is a former âqueen of worry.â Sheâs also an educator, speaker, and author of 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection (February, 2018), available in e-book formats and in print from Amazon. Â
Gigi holds an MA in Psychology and PhD in Psychological Studies in Education, both from Stanford. âLangerâs frank and empathetic tone will comfort readers, as will the practical steps she teaches.â (Featured Book, BookLife by Publishers Weekly)Â Â âHer honesty will blow you away! It is beautifully written; filled with humor and authenticity.â (Member of Al Anon)
Video: How to Stop Your Negative Thinking
Most negative thinking isn’t true. So, why let it trouble us?
SCRIPT FOR VIDEO:  My [negative] thoughts are based on past experiences and future predictions–all of which have been reinterpreted by my brain in a fictional way . . . really! My brain created this scenario in the future, and it hasnât even happened. My brain created this thing about the past and has “awfulized” it.
So first, donât trust a thought. You know, espectially when weâre tense, our thinking is whacked. So the first thing: âOh, Okay; this thought Iâm thinking doesnât have to be the one I stick with.â Okay?
So, then, 4. The decision: Iâm gonna change my thinking. So, when I recognize that my thoughts are based on past experiences, just to give you an  example: the Kindle (upload) thing. [I kept failing at it.] I hate failure. You know, I just hate failure
And hereâs . . .Underneath each fear and worry is what I call in the book (and it’s a theme throughout) a Whispered Lie: âYou’re going to screw up!â âYouâre not going to look good!â You know. Or it could be a self-statement: âOh, man! Iâll never be able to figure this out; I hate technology.â You know, all those lovely helpful things we tell ourselves. (Audience laughs)
So, all the techniques in the book are about dissolving those Whispered Lies so that hope, clarity, and good things can come in.
So, the first one weâre going to try is my favorite; itâs called the Golden Key. And itâs the simplest thing. The premise of all of these is that you have control over what your mind dwells on. You absolutely have a choice. And itâs a minute-by-minute (or sometimes a second-by-second) thing.
So, with the Golden Key, Iâm gonna make a decision: Every time I have a negative thought or feeling about something (âOh! Iâm uploading that Kindle file tonight; itâs never gonna work!â), Iâm going to gently replace it with a positive thought, or a prayer, or an inspiring image.
So, you get to choose what that is. For me, Iâm gonna say, âAll is well. Everything is in perfect order.â Thatâs something that works for me. For you it might be the Serenity Prayer, an image of a rose, um, a light . . . anything that connects you with some source of goodness bigger than your fear. Something that you can tell yourself or focus on thatâs bigger than the fear. A source of good.
So think of what that might be for you. . . [The Video ends here; participants practice silently switching their thoughts from the negative to their positive phrase or image]
To read about Emmet Foxâs Golden Key technique, click here.
For more tips, buy 50 Ways to Worry Less Now at Amazon Itâs been out for 3 weeks and gotten great reviews! I hope it helps you find peace, clarity, and connection as you free yourself from worry and negative thinking. Best of luck! â Gigi Langer, former âQueen of Worryâ
Gigi Langer holds an MA in Psychology and PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She is a seasoned author and popular speaker who has helped thousands of people improve their lives at home and work. Langer hasnât had a drug or drink for over 30 years, although she occasionally overindulgeS in Ghirardelli chocolate and historical novels. Gigi lives happily in Michigan with her husband, Peter and her cat, Murphy.