(I wrote this 12/28 but couldn’t send it then, so here it is!) Peter and I are in Baton Rouge, driving to FL after a wonderful Xmas with my sister in Ft. Worth TX. We had a great time! Here I am with the Rusty, her Quarter Horse.

I grew up west of Chicago in Oakbrook–a Mecca for horses, so I got to ride a lot. There’s nothing like burying your nose in the dusty warm smell of a horse’s neck!
Many young people dream of riding a horse, and only realize that dream later in life, as did some of my good friends. What a gift that is!
What dreams have you held and then forgotten? Perhaps it’s an old hobby, or a new interest. Search your heart to see what makes it leap in anticipation.
I’ve always dreamed of seeing the Grand Canyon, and this year I plan to fulfill that dream! Can’t wait!
I hope you discover a new and exciting part of your life in this first year of the new decade. Each and every minute is precious!
Thanks again for your interest in my writing and musings. You keep me on my toes!!😘