Gigi Langer

Worry Less Now!

 Love More Now!


This is why you didn’t get a blog post this week. I was the retreat leader and it was a huge privilege. And it took a lot of planning plus airplane travel to and from St Louis. I’m on my way home now and am just sending you this quick update.

Here’s my FB post about this wonderful retreat:

it was a WONDERFUL WEEKEND retreat in Springfield IL with an incredible group of women. I had asked my FB friends to pray that our time together benefit all of us, including our loved ones. It worked!


Why Are Frogs So Happy? They Eat What Bugs Them!

worry less now gigi langerWhat bugs you? Is it something or someone you can’t change, but wish you could? Yup, the fly in the ointment! It happens to me all the time.

Try Kermit’s approach: just chew it up and swallow it. It’s merely acceptance–digesting the reality of the situation and getting on with your life.

I needed to remember this lesson recently when my book distributor went out of business. Upon reading the notice, I just wanted to spit out the unpleasant news. It just couldn’t be true!

Then I began to roll it around in my mouth, as I tried to figure out how to fix it. Eventually that effort failed, and I had to just gulp it down, exactly as it is.

Now that I’ve absorbed this truth, I can look at it differently. For example, I realized that the defunct printing company had been charging me a lot! And that led me to finding new and creative ways to distribute my book.

For example, soon you’ll see a special offer of a personalized SIGNED COPY (available now at mailed right to your home. Although people can still get it from Amazon and Barnes and Noble, this special deal allows me to connect with you more directly.

So, when life throws you a curve ball–something that really bugs you–just gobble it up and keep moving, knowing that a better way is coming along.

It works for me and for Kermit too!

worry less nowGigi Langer has been clean and sober for 33 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She’s a sought-after speaker and retreat leader who has helped thousands improve their lives at work and at home. Read her blog here or order her award-winning book (50 Ways to Worry Less Now) from, Barnes and Noble, Amazon (5 stars), and all e-book vendors.

How Important Is the Word “God,” Anyway?

worry less now
Michelangelo’s David

I’ve recently been talking with a very brilliant woman who desperately wants  to let go of her self-destructive habits. Since her own willpower has utterly failed her, she’s seeking a source of power greater than her dysfunction. But, most of the people she’s met with use the word “God” to refer to that power.

And this woman cannot stand the word “God.”

She meditates and believes in a higher self . . . a true-self where her wisdom resides. And she actively connects with the power of other healthy people. So even though she doesn’t use the word “God,” she has definitely tapped into a power greater than her problem. At this point, that’s been enough to stop her self-destruction.

So, I ask, how important is the word “God,” anyway?

One of my favorite authors, Alexander McCall Smith, wrote eloquently about this question in one of his cozy mysteries about a philosophy professor in Scotland. After she and her boyfriend talk about whether they believe in God, they both throw up their hands and conclude they just don’t know. And, for a while, they leave it at that. Then suddenly the boyfriend says, “Although there is Mozart.”

So, what in your experience, if anything, has convinced you there’s some great power that fuels genius and beauty?

What takes you beyond this world to another dimension of goodness that defies understanding?  I find the sheer beauty and brilliance of nature, music, and artistic creations to be enough proof for me!

If the truth and beauty in this world doesn’t convince you, how ’bout those little (and sometimes big) “coincidences” where things just fall together in perfect order, in spite of your worries and attempts to control them? What about serendipity? Good fortune? Just the right person at just the right time?

Wow! It’s almost too much to contemplate. But this I know: A loving power is working in our lives to bring us hope, courage, and amazing solutions to life’s dilemmas.

Sometimes I call that power “God.”

P.S. By the way, I must plead complete incomprehension when I ponder all the unlovely things in this world. I just let that mystery be.

See to learn about the tools that transformed my life. They might work for you too!

Gigi Langer Worry Less NowGigi Langer has been clean and sober for 33 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She’s a sought-after speaker and retreat leader who has helped thousands improve their lives at work and at home. Read her blog here or order her award-winning book from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and all e-book vendors.






worry less now

Today, as I listened to Day 3 of Deepak & Oprah’s free (I love free!) meditation series on gratitude, Deepak made a statement that stopped me in my tracks:

“The good things in your life show that abundance has included you.”

Shut out of Abundance

I realized that, although I DO believe Deepak’s words now, it was not always so. For years, I felt everyone else had everything they wanted, but somehow I had been excluded.

    – I couldn’t feel safe in my home, but of course everybody else did, right?
    – I couldn’t make a romance last forever, but everybody else could, right? I mean, look at the fairy tales!!

– I couldn’t stop my own drugging, drinking and sleeping around — those were things nobody else did, right?

So apparently, I was basically a bad person doing bad stuff who didn’t deserve good things. Although I thought I had been denied abundance, I couldn’t have been more wrong!

Abundance to the Max!

After embarking on a vigorous program of spiritual practice, recovery, and therapy, I can honestly say that for several years now, I’ve been living the life of my dreams.

I’m happily married–30 years this May; just published an award-winning book; spend the winters away from the cold; and even though advancing in my years, I still enjoy golf and time with my husband, family, and a multitude of dear friends.

I’m so grateful to be able to report that I HAVE been included in abundance, just like Deepak said!

You too deserve abundance. See to learn about the tools that transformed my life. They might work for you too!

Gigi Langer Worry Less NowGigi Langer has been clean and sober for 33 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She’s a sought-after speaker and retreat leader who has helped thousands improve their lives at work and at home. Read her blog here or order her award-winning book from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and all e-book vendors.
