JANUARY 2025 NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS from Gigi Langer – Loving Thought of the Week – Recovering from Addictive Habits: The 12 Steps Can Open Your Heart: Step 1 – Wonderful Children’s Book for New Parents: My Baby, I Rock You |
CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR THE REST OF THE NEWS! https://mailchi.mp/4801f4fb4327/welcome-to-the-worry-less-now-newsletter-14048279
WELCOME TO 2025! I wish you the very best of everything this year–but most of all I wish you peace of mind and freedom from negative thinking and habits. A few months ago, I started meditating every day, and it has brought me a lot of gifts–most significant, a clearer sense of what my heart nudges me to do (rather than trying to control things with my analytical thinking). It’s no surprise that my spirit guides me to loving thoughts and actions–toward myself and all those I encounter. The two FREE tools I use for 15-25 minute guided meditations are Insight Timer and Davidji. Give it a try; you might be pleasantly surprised with the ease you experience….with so little effort |
JANUARY 2025 NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS from Gigi Langer –Thought of the Week –Recovery from Addictive Habits Part 3: Step 1 –Wonderful Children’s Book for New Parents – – – – – CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE NEWSLETTER! |

My newest book, Love More Now: Facing Life’s Challenges with an Open Heart is only $9.99 –available from Amazon HERE.
Get my award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, for only $6.00 at GigiLanger.com/buy (or get e-book at Amazon) ** Thank you for POSTING your REVIEWs on Amazon. **
Gigi Langer has been sober for over 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Her 50 Ways to Worry Less Now won an Indie Excellence Award in 2019. Gigi worked at Eastern Michigan University for 25 years, and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat, Easter.