Gigi Langer

Worry Less Now!

 Love More Now!

Awakening to My Truth

truth mountains

I wrote this piece about awakening to the shining possibility of a new life.  Since that moment 30 years ago, amazing things have happened!

The clear sunny light streamed across the low-lying water onto the brilliant white Teton-peaks.

It held my gaze; the minutes stretched. I forgot the turmoil of my impacted, baffling life.  It beckoned me to see a new Truth–and to believe in it.

Now, many years later, I know this: I am made of the same shining beautiful Love that I recognized in that glorious mountain-peak.

The world’s false voices, beliefs, and perceptions have fallen into a pile of ash-dust, burned into nothingness by the fire of Love, Truth, Beauty.

And I, you, we, remain as perfectly rendered light … nothing else.

Thank you, God (universe, Goddess, spirit, higher power) for this knowledge.  I hold it closely in a world where the heart beats to the blinding force of fear.

If we are still (or even slightly receptive), we’ll  receive a glimmer of the Truth, shining into our hearts and minds, reassuring us that we are whole and safe in the Beauty of Love.      By Gigi Langer July, 2009

To order Gigi’s new book, click here: 50 Ways to Worry Less Now   “Langer speaks from hard-won experience in her valuable, heartfelt manual on curbing excessive worrying.  Langer’s frank and empathetic tone will comfort readers, as will the practical steps she teaches.” Review by Publishers Weekly (BookLife)

worry , recovery, sanityGigi Langer holds an MA in Psychology and PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She is a seasoned author in education and popular speaker who has helped thousands of people improve their lives at home and work. Gigi hasn’t had a drug or drink for over 30 years, although she does occasionally overindulge in Ghirardelli chocolate and historical novels.

To Worry Less Now, Choose Love Over Fear

Worry Less Now; Gigi Langer

Fear, Worry Less Now, Gigi Langer, Overcome Negative ThinkingWhen I first entered therapy, I saw myself shrunken and powerless in the corner of a dark room filled with scary plastic objects. As time went on, that image changed. It was as if a bright light entered the room and dissolved all those fear-filled dark objects.

I believe that most of our worries, resentments, and pain are merely illusions, or as I call them, “Whispered Lies.” Fear jumps into the driver’s seat of our minds and starts projecting all kinds of problems to be solved. Mark Twain said it this way, “My life is a series of calamities, most of which never happened.”

Just take a moment and observe the content of your thoughts and how they resonate in your body. If you’re anything like me, it quickly becomes clear that we’re scaring the shit out of ourselves. And, just in case we need a little help, there’s always TV and its multitude of disasters (the past, present, and predicted).

It’s no wonder that so many of us live in a constant state of anxiety and tension. The modern term, which I might call a euphemism, is “stress.” This state is so universal, that, if you stopped 20 people on the street, most of them would say they wanted to have less fear and worry in their lives. And, if you really want to be disturbed, read about how stress and worry harm our health.

A Course in Miracles (and many other wisdom traditions) teach us that we can be in only two states of mind: fear or love. When we align ourselves with love, we’re at peace and feel at-one with God (universe, positive power) and with all others.  When we’re in fear, however, we close our hearts to others.

Because our bodies are hard-wired to compete for what we see as a limited amount of love, money, and otherworldly goodies, fear is our default setting. But we don’t have to become a victim of our worries and negative thinking. It’s what we do next that matters: Do we seek a different way of seeing our troublesome situations?

It’s a simple choice, but it takes vigilance and practice. Just notice what you’re thinking about and, if it is making you tense, admit that to yourself. Then, gently turn your thoughts to something that gives you joy and peace. It might be a scene of nature,  a prayer, or an affirmation. Then keep an eye out for when you revert to the “worry and fear channel.” Again, just notice what you’re thinking about and change it to something more positive or inspiring.

Emmet Fox gives directions for the “Golden Key” here. He wrote that when you consistently turn your thoughts away from fear and toward a source of positive power, whatever was bothering you before will be resolved. Try it, you’ll like it!

gigilanger_worrylessnowGigi Langer is a former “queen of worry.” She’s also an educator, speaker, and author of  50 Ways to Worry Less Now! Coming out in February 2018, the new book contains 50 powerful tips to defeat negative thinking, find inner peace, and be happy. Gigi has a PhD from Stanford University.