Gigi Langer

Worry Less Now!

 Love More Now!


miracles of recoveryHarriet Hunter has written one of the best daily meditation books I’ve seen in a long time. I just love reading it each morning. Below is an excerpt of the April 21st meditation (p. 123) from Miracles of Recovery: Daily Meditations of Hope, Courage.    (Order book Here)

“How many times have we heard others put someone down with, ‘You’re not good enough to do that,’ or ‘You’ll never be able to. . .’?  Do these or similar statements resonate within you?

“These are the telltale signs of self-sabotage“Self-sabotage is the mechanism used to denigrate our power, as if we have none at all.  “We become what we think. We need to stop rehearsing our rejections.

“Over time, self-sabotage becomes form fitting, snug in the mis-identification of our self-worth. It feels familiar, safe and warm. We know self-sabotage well because we’ve endured it for a lifetime.

“Somewhere we heard we should promote others while sacrificing ourselves to gain friends and keep the peace. To do so would be to tell ourselves the greatest lie of all: We deserve nothing, but others do. Treating ourselves with the same gentleness and loving care we give to family and others is what we need.

“There is plenty of inner strength and fortitude already deep inside, and we deserve to hear it reflected in our voice.

“So why not let it begin with us? No longer can we allow ourselves to take part in self-deprecating talk. Our voice is listening, waiting for the echo of words that promise love and kindness for who we are.

“When we change the way we see ourselves, we get to change our lives and the way others see us too, with resonating confidence.”

Today’s Meditation
“Today I am conscious of how others speak to me and how it makes me feel. I will not accept negative, demeaning talk from anyone–even me–as I recreate with loving care who I want to be.“

harrietHunter GigiLangerHarriet Hunter (shown here with me at the Venice FL Book Fair) is the author of the 2018 Miracles of Recovery: Daily Meditations of Hope, Courage. She is a person in long-term recovery, an expert on journaling, and an inspiration to all who know her.  Her book is fabulous! Order book HERE Website here     FB: Harriet Hunter Author

Beat the Procrastination Habit! Part 1


I’ve struggled far too often with procrastination.

Today I’m telling myself I should get this next promotion up on my website. But it involves some new skills– and I find that a little intimidating; besides, look at all the other things begging for my attention! So, there the promotion reminder sits, day after day, becoming more and more drenched in guilt. I’ll get to it; right after I write this blog!

I’ve had a lot of experience with my procrastination habit, and I’ve found a few techniques that help me get even the most unpleasant tasks done. I hope they work for you, too. Read all the way to the bottom for one of the most powerful tips. Good luck!!

Make a list of the things you both want and need to get done in the near future. Breathe and tell yourself that you do Not have to get it all done today.

Identify today’s tasks. Put a star next to the ones that must be done today. For example, “order ___” or “shop for food” or “write ___ report.” Write these items on a new list so it doesn’t look so long and overwhelming. (Place a “?” next to ones you’re not sure about.)

Identify important, but not urgent, items. On the first big list, circle the ones that will ultimately improve your life or work. For example, “exercise” or “meet with ___ (an emotionally healthy friend)” or “write __proposal.”  Put those important-but-not-urgent items on a different list  and schedule them in your calendar. I sometimes place a “?” next to each one to indicate that if I don’t get to it, I can move it to another day. (But I never delete it!)

Here’s how to get started on today’s list.

1 Pick one easy thing to do first. Do that one thing and pat yourself on the back. Then go get a cup of coffee or tea. Smile!

2 Return to your work space and look at the item you just crossed off. Breathe in and feel good about doing that one thing. Do NOT think about the rest of the list for now.

Select another item and proceed as in steps 1 and 2.,

4 If you get tense, worried, or resistant: Go somewhere private. Take a few belly-inflating breaths and loosen your jaw and shoulders. Get quiet. Tell yourself, “I only need to do one more thing on this list. I can come back to it later. It will all get done.” Then return to the list and select another item.

Here’s another powerful tip: Set a timer for 5–15 minutes and tell yourself you can stop working on the list when it rings. If you feel like continuing when it rings, then set it for another 5–15 minutes. This “takes you off the hook” of thinking that the only success is finishing the entire list, and allows you to congratulate yourself for completing the 5–15 minutes instead.

I hope these tips help you beat the procrastination habit. They sure work for me!

worry less now reviewsGigi Langer is a former “Queen of Worry.” She’s also an educator, speaker, and author of 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, winner of the Indie Excellence Award. Learn to defeat negative thinking, find inner peace, attain clarity, and improve relationships–no matter what is going on in your life! Available through Amazon (5 stars), Barnes and Noble, and e-book sites.

Langer holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education and an MA in Psychology, both from Stanford. As Georgea M. Langer, she’s published several books for teachers and school administrators.

Want to Improve Your Life? TRY MEDITATION!

meditate on beach
Like me, do you struggle to meditate?

Even though I know the impressive research on the benefits of meditation (it actually shrinks the part of the brain involved with stress!), it’s SO hard to do first thing in the morning.

Right out of bed, I so enjoy my cup of coffee with Peter, chatting, and watching our cat, Murphy’s, antics. And then, about half the time, I’m off and running–and there goes the meditation right out the door!

I need “training wheels” when trying to establish new routines, so I love it when Deepak Chopra & Oprah Winfrey offer their 21-day meditation series. It’s free and every 4-6 months it’s a different theme, so I learn new stuff.

For example, the one I just listened to was about the role of attention in attracting our desires into our lives. Deepak was his usual clear self as he explained, “What we pay attention to will grow!”

The power source for manifesting our dreams, desires, and intentions is attention.
When attention is focused from the level of true self, our desires easily reach fulfillment.   
Desires that arise from a worried, confused, or agitated mind struggle to be fulfilled.
When we meditate, the intentions arise naturally from the silence, and the energy of attraction automatically obeys what the mind desires.
So, there’s another reason to meditate!! Tapping into my quiet, wise self always yields insights, valuable nudges for action, and great ideas for writing. In fact, I found I couldn’t write my book “Worry Less Now” without it.
If you too need some “training wheels” to learn to meditate, download the app, Insight Timer, or check out some of Kelly Hine’s fabulous guided meditations.
Finally, here’s a little something to make you laugh.
       ??   HOW NOT TO MEDITATE (Susan Morales)
Wear your tightest jeans; not the stretchy kind; the ones that pinch at the waist so your midriff folds over and it’s hard to breathe.
Recall a recent conversation where you felt misunderstood, and analyze what you should have said. Visualize what you’ll do next chance you get.
Find something on your body or clothing to help you fidget, like cleaning your fingernails, picking the pile off your sweater, or winding hair around your finger.
Don’t set an intention or an alarm, look at the clock every time you think of it.
Focus outside yourself, inhale short and shallow. 
Tell yourself you can’t meditate.
PS: I better stop writing this and go do my daily meditation–I didn’t get to it this morning!

gigilanger_worrylessnowGigi Langer is a former “Queen of Worry.” She’s also an educator, speaker, and author of 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, winner of the 2018 Indie Excellence Award. Learn to defeat negative thinking, find inner peace, attain clarity, and improve relationships–no matter what is going on in your life! Available through Amazon (5 stars), Barnes and Noble, and e-book sites.

Langer holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education and an MA in Psychology, both from Stanford. As Georgea M. Langer, she’s published several books for teachers and school administrators.