Gigi Langer

Worry Less Now!

 Love More Now!


I just received my first print copy in the mail today and Peter snapped this pic while I was on Zoom with some dear friends.

Love More Now: Facing Life’s Challenges with an Open Heart

Gigi langer author with love more now

There is nothing like holding your own book in your hands—even though it’s not really “my own.” Rather, it was produced through my center of Love.

I wrote Love More Now so you and others might find your own center of love—your open-hearted True Self, free of all barriers to love. 

ONLY $9.99 FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS! Get your own PAPERBACK copy of Love More Now: Facing Life’s Challenges with an Open Heart for only $9.99.

For Amazon, click HERE

For Barnes and Noble, click HERE.


If you struggle with negative thinking, substance abuse, difficult relationships, or codependency, please know that You CAN change! And Love More Now will help you do that!

-Uncover and remove the fears and patterns that have cut off love for yourself and others. 

-Find out how to live from the wisdom and strength of your true self—no matter what challenge you face. 

-Discover the freedom, serenity, and happiness of your life purpose. 



So, if you want to review Love More Now (or Worry Less Now) just find the book page (Amazon or Barnes & Noble), find the reviews, scroll to the bottom, and click “ADD REVIEW.” It is as simple as that! 👍

I really appreciate your help in sharing Love More Now. THANKS SO MUCH!

PS: I am so grateful to all of you who stepped forward to review a PDF of Love More More Now: Facing Life’s Challenges with an Open Heart! THOSE REVIEWS MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Gigi Langer has been sober over 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat, Easter.


love more now cover

As you work at opening your heart, you may doubt that much is changing. The good times sometimes feel rare amidst the challenges. But as you press on, you’ll discover little, almost random, miracles of light, of insight, of peace. Such illuminated moments—similar to mine at Jenny Lake—tell you that you’re on the right path. For example, you might feel deep appreciation for a former enemy, witness a life-stopping moment of beauty, or act courageously in a situation that used to baffle you.

Such glimmers prove that your True Self is there, and it’s bigger and wiser than your fears. We all can grow into the person we hope to be. I know this because I and many others have learned how to dissolve the fears blocking our hearts and live from the power of our True Selves. I offer you the following examples of my life challenges. Although they temporarily stopped me in my tracks, I found ways to open my heart and walk through them with peace of mind and courage.

Relationship failures. After couples therapy, I divorced my third husband, convinced I could never be happily married. A year later, I met Peter, the man of my dreams. Terrified of repeating my pattern of making a man the center of my life, I allowed myself to see him only twice a week. With therapy and supportive, female friends, my heart opened to the possibility of a healthy relationship. Peter and I recently celebrated over thirty years of happy, harmonious marriage.

Worry about loved ones. When my dear friend battled cancer and, later, my fourth husband resumed drinking alcohol, my desire to control others tortured me. No matter what I did, nothing changed, other than my anxiety. Over time I discovered that my sense of security came not from their well-being, but from the Loving Energy of my True Self.

Overwork and perfectionism. As a college professor, I wrestled with fierce professional jealousies, along with a tendency toward overwork and perfectionism. I constantly sought a sense of security through my achievements. Eventually, I learned how to open my heart to others and allow Loving Energy (rather than fear) to lead my efforts. It’s one reason I’ve been able to write this book and 50 Ways to Worry Less Now. An open, loving heart is a wonderful creative partner!

Dysfunctional family and trauma. I suffered from many of the characteristics found in children of alcoholic parents: heart-closing anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. I also discovered memories of early abuse, healed its wounds, and forgave those who had harmed me. The healing power of Loving Energy released me from a lifetime of worry about my safety and security.

Poor health and illness. I struggled with back pain for fifteen years. Then both of my shoulders “froze” for two merciless years. With powerful tools to stream Love into my pain (for example, visualization and meditation), I finally recovered. I’m now free of limitations and in excellent health.

Isolation and loneliness. Instead of trying to live as an island of self-sufficiency, I now enjoy the Love and care of women who keep my heart open and full. I know in my gut they will have my back, even if the worst of the worst happens. And I will do the same for them.

Alcohol and drug dependence. For many years, marijuana and alcohol were ruining my relationships and inhibiting my power. I’ve now been clean and sober for over three decades and have helped (and been helped by) hundreds of women recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.

Although your own challenges may be different from those mentioned here, I know you too can access the loving power and wisdom of your True Self. After practicing this way of living, you’ll find that, no matter what life throws at you, you can dissolve your fears and frustrations to find a peaceful, courageous way through it.

** If you want an advance PDF so you can post a review on Amazon in February, please email me [email protected] **

Gigi Langer has been sober over 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat, Easter.

gigi langer worry less now
worry less now gigi langer

Gigi’s award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, describes how to correct the faulty thinking leading to addiction, dysfunctional relationships, perfectionism, and worry about loved ones. Check out the practical directions, personal stories, and other helpful growth tools. Amazon: 4.8 stars (Buy Discounted, personally signed Paperback with free Workbook PDF HERE $8.95 free US shipping.)


THANK YOU TO MY DEAR FRIEND, HARRIET, FOR ALLOWING ME TO PRESENT HER FABULOUS ARTICLE, “New Year Resolutions.” Read on to get a taste of Harriet’s humor, wisdom, and inspiration. The “Collector’s Edition of Miracles of Recovery” and Harriet’s other books are available HERE.

“Before sobriety, New Year’s resolutions were a lot like not picking up a drink. Or drug!  I would SWEAR each morning I could get through the day, AND I DID!

But I couldn’t get through the night. Nighttime would come (or just the thought of night coming on would be enough to send my nerves into a panic), and I’d tell my family, “Ooops, I’ve forgotten something!” and out I’d go.

“There was never a time when I could not be without my best friend who was always there for me. Without fail.

“And so came the failure of everything else that I wanted to do.

“Each New Year’s Eve I’d make my faithful resolutions. You know the drill: I was going to QUIT drinking followed by quitting drinking beginning the next day. These two were always at the top of my list.  But I think deep down I knew it was a joke. It was the closest to not drinking I could get.

“Fast Forward. Now, 23 years clean and sober, my intentions and statements about what is true for me have taken on a stronger, deliberate meaning.

I’d like to share a few things with you that continue to work for me.

Give up the Ghost of Failure

I needed to Stop. Kidding. Myself: I was going to be a complete looser for the REST of my life if I didn’t give up the Ghost of Failure. I never had a prayer of succeeding at anything, because, I told myself, I was too undisciplined. I hurt too many people and was no longer redeemable. This was the set-up I needed to fail yet again!!

And it worked for me for a lifetime.

a woman with arms stretched out

The key concept here is to, “Listen to The Words You Use Against Yourself.” Nothing will assure your success more than when you tell yourself a thousand times that “I Am a Winner and I CAN and WILL do this.” 

Wayne Dwyer, Ph.D., said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

In the story, “Acceptance Was the Answer” on page 420 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous the author shares Dr. Dyer’s philosophy here with, “I MUST keep my magic magnifying mind on my acceptance and off my expectations…”

When we “accept” a situation and move that specific situation from our head to our heart, we have become convinced we can accomplish our goal because we’ve made it a part of who we are. We are positively convinced, absolutely certain now, we can do this, and we do! Does this happen with one thought, or one try? Typically, not.

We expand the possibility of our success by making our resolutions non-negotiable so we cannot fail.

This one solitary ACT of turning failure into success starts to unfold around us and with repetition, belief in ourselves and continual expanding of these thoughts, we begin to bloom find hope in our hard-fought accomplishment.

What we focus on, becomes us, because it has moved into the ranks of our critical thinking. We have become CERTAIN it is what we want to do and we DO it!!  Continued action, as if at the gym, strengthens this resolve and tenacity.

And we succeed! Failure now is a thing of the past because we’ve changed the way we’ve look at the thing we want to conquer!

Success begins and ends with us, but we must first believe it possible, But before we’re able to do that, we have to WANT it more than anything. In much the same way we want our sobriety.

Develop Ten (10) Intentions (Resolutions) to Achieve in 2023

The first five must be achievable, attainable with a little effort on your part. And we do them!

The next five, however, are the more involved, consequential and life-changing intentions. You must be honest about how much you want to achieve them, so prioritize as you go. Determine how achievable they are but do it!  In other words, if you intend to lose 25 pounds, begin your first book or find a new job writing these words down are not enough. In fact—don’t commit them to paper at all unless and until you’ve determined the importance and consequence of each. Because once we commit them to paper and prioritize them, we begin to allocate precious energy, emotionalism, prayers and forward motion to them whether you know it or not.

What are you willing to do differently?

This is the definition of life-altering propositions, and one of the greatest demonstrations of those who succeed. We already know that if nothing changes, well—nothing changes!

‘Differently’ doesn’t have to be huge, because it is most often found in our thinking. To do things ‘differently’ is to outline a mental plan of success. It may or may not include prayer, waking up earlier, the process might be a combination of large and small changes, but changes they are. It is this hula-hoop of changes we make to do a specific situation differently that moves us from our old ‘failure’ of thinking, to new behavior of a ‘success,’ because preparation, thought and the value we attach to this new intention is the difference between failing and succeeding.

What are you truly made of, and what lengths are you willing to go to, to achieve your resolutions?

This answer requires honest reflections on subjects like procrastination, whether or not you have the sustainability inside necessary to carry it out, and what the payoff will be to go through with this intention?

If we want success, then we must set ourselves UP to experience that success differently than we’ve done in the past.

Oftentimes, in order for this new behavior or action to be achieved, it must be part of your daily thinking. It may involve how you ‘see’ yourself, moving closer to your success just for today, taking small steps as the elephant, but making strong strides with each forward motion. It may require adding a special mantra, verse, prayer to your daily life.

Whatever it involves, if you make it exciting, thorough and a part of your daily thinking, you cannot fail. Because you’ve already ‘expanded’ the energy associated with your resolution so much it is now a part of who you are!

Lastly, whatever your Big Five might be—be sure to seek out your passion associated with each of these and have faith that they wouldn’t be on your list without this passion. USE that passion, that excitement and positivity to work with you as you begin tackling one at a time as prioritized. Of course, you’ll rearrange them as the year moves forward, but we can only DO one at a time! ~  Anything more and we lose focus and forward momentum and become overwhelmed.

Blessings to each of this New Year with the allotment of another 365 days to become increasingly creative with our time, with ourselves, and learn by reaching and collaborating with others how they’ve done it.

If you’d like to see all of the books from Harriet, visit Her new Collector’s Edition of Miracles of Recovery is at the bottom of the page.


Gigi’s a newest book describes how to dissolve the blockages that close our hearts to loving ourselves and others. Learn to open access to the Loving Energy of your True Self. Find the wisdom and courage to face and resolve relationship difficulties, perfectionism, illness, and worry about loved ones (among others).  Due on Amazon, mid-February, 2023.

Gigi Langer has been sober over 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat, Easter.

gigi langer worry less now
worry less now gigi langer

Gigi’s award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, describes how to correct the faulty thinking leading to addiction, dysfunctional relationships, perfectionism, and worry about loved ones. Check out the practical directions, personal stories, and other helpful growth tools. Amazon: 4.8 stars (Buy Discounted, personally signed Paperback with free Workbook PDF HERE $8.95 free US shipping.)

My New Book Cover! and New Podcast!

Many of you know that I have been working on a new book for the last couple of years. I am happy to announce that it is in the production phase with Possum Hill press, to be released in February.
So far, nobody has seen the new cover! YOU ARE THE FIRST. Isn’t it gorgeous! Thanks to Susi Clark of She is great!

Thank you to Jay Lind’s “Sobriety Between the Lines” Podcast for featuring me last week! We had a fascinating discussion about how our thinking and attiudes can either help or hinder our sobriety. CHECK IT OUT below on Spotify OR on Apple HERE

Gigi Langer has been sober 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat, Easter.

gigi langer worry less now
worry less now gigi langer

Gigi’s award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, describes how to correct the faulty thinking leading to addiction, dysfunctional relationships, perfectionism, and worry about loved ones. Check out the practical directions, personal stories, and other helpful growth tools. Amazon: 4.8 stars (Buy Discounted, personally signed Paperback with free Workbook PDF HERE $8.95 free US shipping.)