At any moment, especially when we’re quiet (or when our hearts are breaking), we can receive such glimmers of truth shining into our being, reassuring us that we are whole and safe in this life. I am so thankful for discovering the strength of my true self in a world where my heart sometimes beats to the blinding force of fear.
Who is your true self? It’s the you who knows intuitively the next right thing to do, has healthy friends to consult, can feel the pain of life and heal it, and who brings love and service to those you encounter.
How do we grow away from our fearful self and into our true self? For the past 30 years, I’ve joined with many inspired mentors to apply the teachings of the Twelve Steps and A Course in Miracles (ACIM) to every aspect of my life. My experience, and that of millions of others, suggests that we can claim our true heart and life by:
Opening our hearts. We are here to move away from a life dominated by fear, defenses, and criticism toward a life of love, acceptance, and compassion.
Connecting our hearts. As we experience our internal state tipping from love to fear, we join with others to give and receive inspiration and care.
Following these two paths has healed my most troubling problems: codependency, sexual abuse, chronic pain, divorce, worry about loved ones, perfectionism, and job stress. Now I enjoy peace of mind and serenity, no matter my circumstances. I hope awakening to your true self will bring you similar benefits.
Gigi Langer, PhD has helped thousands of people improve their lives at home and at work. She’s written several books for educators, and is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader. Gigi holds a doctorate in Psychology in Education, and an MA in Psychology, both from Stanford.
Have you ever considered that the word “forgive” can be seen as ’fore-give?
I think of it as “before-giving”—giving to another before they’ve done anything to “deserve” it. Perhaps that’s the only reason we’re here — to give love and kindness to everyone we meet.
“Fore-giving is merely looking beyond a person’s flaws and seeing only their spirit. Thus, we give love to others, regardless of how they look or act. This, I believe, is what God would have us do.
Really?? What if They’re a Jerk?!
There IS one caveat, however: Although we may focus on a person’s essential goodness, we don’t have to put up with their unacceptable behavior. Even after setting boundaries, we can still see their spirit as pure and innocent.
When we choose to ‘fore-give, we expand the force of love in the world, thus dissolving fear and selfishness. We all become free, peaceful, and happy.
Give it a Try!
Just for today (and tomorrow, too!) let’s try to see the goodness in every person we encounter, and treat them with the love and respect befitting a child of God. When you ‘fore-give it make us all feel better!
P.S. A Course in Miraclesteaches that the world’s pain is caused by our selfish egos’ excesses, and that the truth lies beyond these fearful appearances—in the eternal spirit of goodness within each of us.
My award-winning book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Nowdescribes how to reject the faulty thinking leading to addiction, dysfunctional relationships, perfectionism, and worry about loved ones. Check out the practical directions, personal stories, and other helpful suggestions. Amazon: 4.8 stars (Buy Discounted Paperback, e-book, OR audiobook HERE)
Gigi Langer has been sober 35 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Florida with her husband, Peter and her cat Murphy.
I just finished reading an advance copy of Paul Noiles’ amazing book, and it’s AWESOME!
I met Paul on social media and loved his expressive and honest writing. After discovering we shared recovery from addiction, we started reading one another’s blogs and posts. When Paul mentioned he was writing a book, I jumped at the chance to encourage another writer to take on such a great challenge.
My Review of Mistaken Identity
Soon, Paul sent me a manuscript which was full of heart and wisdom; but, like so many early drafts of brilliant books, it needed editing and tightening. My good friend (and the editor of my book) Anita LeBlanc (at worked on Paul’s manuscript, and I’m so happy to see that it’s finally ready for prime time!
I’ve read several books about addiction, but this one is much much more than that!Although Paul tells his story of recovery beautifully, the book’s greatest gift is how it leads us to discover the light of our true being.
Noiles believes that addiction is caused by deep emotional pain that creates an unlovable “mistaken identity.” Through recovery, gifted mentors, meditation, and a variety of spiritual practices, we grow into our “true identity” to be a beacon of love in this world.
Paul’s use of experts, research, personal stories, and transformative practices make for a fascinating read about addiction, rebirth, and joyful living. I highly recommend it!
An Excerpt: Ego vs. Love
Here’s one of my favorite excerpts from Mistaken Identity. I love it because it depicts the choice we can make between ego (fear, self-centeredness, dishonesty, resentment) and love (soul, peace, compassion, care).
As you probably know by now, my constant goal is to reduce ego’s influence and increase love’s influence in every aspect of life. Paul’s book offers such inspiration and guidance for our spiritual journey to the best center of our selves.
“Ego seeks to serve itself. Soul seeks to serve others.
Ego sees life as a competition. Soul sees life as a gift.
Ego seeks to preserve self. Soul seeks to preserve others.
Ego looks outward. Soul looks inward.
Ego feels lack. Soul feels abundance.
Ego is mortal. Soul is eternal.
Ego is drawn to lust. Soul is drawn to love.
Ego seeks wisdom. Soul is wisdom.
Ego enjoys the prize. Soul enjoys the process.
Ego is the cause to pain. Soul is the cause of healing.
Ego rejects God [Spirit]. Soul embraces God [Spirit].
Ego is me. Soul is we.”
From Mistaken Identity, The Sacred Journey from Addiction to Awakening, by Paul Noiles.
PAUL NOILES is a unique teacher who believes all addictions are about the pain of not liking and knowing our innate truth and our solution – an awakening of consciousness. He writes with depth, uncomplicated clarity, courage, vulnerability, and honesty rarely seen in the world today. His raw, intimate sharing of his experiences restores hope for many in the grips of addiction. Paul is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition.
Gigi Langer has been sober 34 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Michigan with her husband, Peter and her cat, Murphy.
In Worry Less Now, Gigi shares her personal journey as a prisoner of fear, worry, and substance abuse, along with practical techniques anyone can use. Award-winner with rave reviews. Amazon rating: 4.8 stars.
Get special offers on the paperback, e-book, and audiobook HERE.
I just heard this at a 12-Step meeting and I love it! Many of us have a “fake ID” that we’ve constructed over our lifetime, and often it’s based on a sense of victimhood, fear, selfishness, and resentment. Sadly, these patterns block our true selves.
Cloaking ourselves in our “invented” identity gives us the illusion of security; but pretending to be what others want us to be can never bring us peace or happiness.
If we want to wake up and function as a happy, loving force in the world, we’ll have to drop the activities that cut us off from our best selves. In my case, the divorces, drinking, and drugs had completely covered up my true self with shame and self-loathing. I had no idea that a “Good Gigi” was inside me.
Building Our Fake ID
Why did I try so hard to create this fake ID? For those of us who grew up in troubled homes, it was a much-needed survival strategy. To give myself a sense of security, I watched people who seemed happy and successful, and then I imitated them.
The irony is that this “invented self” does not bring long-term security or contentment. In fact, it plays havoc with most relationships, practically guaranteeing their failure. When you believe the only reason you are liked is because of who you are pretending to be, you fall prey to the whispered lie, “If they knew who I really am, they’d take one look and run in the opposite direction!”
Even more damaging, your fake ID keeps you from knowing who you really are; therefore, you can’t share with another what you truly feel or need. Without emotional honesty, your relationships founder on the shoals of boredom, frustration, or dysfunction.
Finally, it’s your fake self that spews fear, self-deception, and resentment into your mind. The chaos can seem so loud and confusing that it’s almost impossible to hear anything else. If you’re lucky, you’ll wonder, “There must be another way to live!”
Discovering Your True ID
First, please know that deep inside you is a being of light and goodness. I’m sure you’ve felt glimmers of it, for example, when you’re in the flow of creative activity, or gazing at a peaceful scene in nature. As you learn to relinquish your fake ID into the hands of this higher self, your joy will follow.
When I got clean and sober, the women I met in 12-step meetings could see the light of goodness in me and responded to that, rather than to my emotional pain. Through my sponsor, therapy, spiritual practices, energy work, and cognitive reprogramming, I eventually discovered my true self, and today I live from that place most of the time–but not always!
In my opinion, one of the best ways reject your fake ID and connect with your true self is to notice your disturbing thoughts, and then redirect them to a state of quiet. There you will connect with your own personal source of peace, clarity, and loving connection. I use guided meditations to learn how to put my thinking into the background so I can “hear” my higher mind.
Often such insights appear as little intuitive nudges, sometimes when I’m not even meditating. In a mysterious, magical way, stilling our minds creates a space for wisdom to enter our lives. It’s a fun, secure, and fascinating journey!
The Gift That Keeps Giving: Your True Self
My true self has brought me a happy 31-year marriage to Peter (my fourth husband!), a successful career, and the tools to live through multiple crises of life here on earth: substance abuse, codependency, worry about alcoholics, death of loved ones, chronic pain, and workaholism, among others.
My true self also led me to write 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection, a feat I never anticipated! But my inner voice kept tapping me on the shoulder saying, “You really ought to share what you’ve learned with others!” So, I did, and it’s connected me with hundreds of lovely, like-minded people (like you!) through social media, podcast appearances, and book sales.
Reject Your Fake ID to Express Your Best Self
How will you begin to challenge your own fake ID to liberate the voice and guidance of your true self? Do you need to quit some bad habits that numb your spirit and cause bad things to happen? Might you seek help from a therapist? Perhaps you can join a group of people who’ve overcome problems like yours.
Or, you might take a course to learn to meditate (I recommend “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn and colleagues at University of Massachusetts Medical Center). Finally, I’ve found great help from the free phone meditation apps, Insight Timer, Calm, and others.
I wish for you that you awaken to your true self’s clarity of purpose, peace of mind, joy, and fulfilling relationships.
With SO much LOVE from me to you! Gigi
PS: My award-winning book outlines many more ways to find calm, wisdom and connection, no matter what’s going on in your life.
In Worry Less Now, Gigi shares her personal journey as a prisoner of fear, worry, and substance abuse, along with practical techniques anyone can use. Award-winner with rave reviews. Amazon rating: 4.8 stars.
Get special offers on the paperback, e-book, and audiobook HERE.
Gigi Langer has been sober 34 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” Gigi resigned her post many years ago and now lives happily in Michigan with her husband, Peter and her cat, Murphy.