A mystic sees beyond the illusion of separateness into theĀ intricate web of life in which all things are expressions of a single Whole. You can call this web God, the Tao, the Great Spirit, the Infinite Mystery, Mother or Father, but it can be known only asĀ love.
āJoan Z. Borysenko, Pocketful of Miracles
Ā I just love this quote from Borysenko’s wonderful daily meditation book! The power of love is priceless!
Too many believe romance is the only source of such love. The truth is, it’s available within you at any time.Ā A few months ago, my dear friend, Janet, wrote this about her epiphany while reading 50 Ways to Worry Less Now.Ā It really made my day!
Janet’s Connection with The Power of Love
āI want you to know the ripple effect your book is capable of creating. On p. 40, āFocusing on Loved Ones,ā I focused on my innocent, sweet little puppy, Bella, as she lay on my lap, and I felt the goodness/love she often brings within me. Then I read further, and encountered the sentence, “I wondered if my positive power might feel that same sweet love for me.” This threw open a door inside me, so that I realized I never truly saw myself as Good. I have rationalized to myself that I am good, as I try to do/be good. But I suddenly saw that I didn’t truly believe it. In that instant, I realized both the fact that I AM good and that I had always deep-down, failed to see it. Once I did, I was filled with the joy of seeing myself that way.ā
Worry Less Now, Page 40, Chapter 3 “Claim Positive Power”
āChoosing goodness over fear definitely pays off. In the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Barbara Fredrickson and her colleagues confirm that immersing yourself in feelings of love and appreciation lowers depressive symptoms and increases life satisfaction. Try the following simple exercise to experience these benefits.
“Tool 10. Focusing on Loved Ones:Ā Think about the joy you feel when you focus on a person or pet you love . . . not the manic high of romantic love, but one more solid and enduring.
– Bring to mind someone you hold dear and with whom you are at peace, perhaps your child, grandchild, sister, brother, dear friend, or spouse. If you have a four-legged child as I do, it might be your kitty or puppy. If possible, directly observe or look at a picture of your loved one.
– Breathe in and out slowly, feeling love filling your mind and heart as you ponder the one you cherish.
– Continue breathing and directing your attention to the experience of love.
– Your feeling of peaceful joy and appreciation reflects your positive loving power.
āOne day as I watched my little gray kitten, Murphy, purring on my lap, I felt so much love for her. I wondered if my positive power might feel that same sweet love for me. It was then I realized that I could invite this love to fill the gaping holes I felt inside me.ā
Give it A Try & Let Me Know!
Why not give the exercise a try and feel how lovable you really are? Immersing yourself in the power of love and goodness –as often as you can!–guarantees a happier outlook in 2019!Ā Let me know how it goes; I’d love to hear from you.
GET 20% offĀ Award-WinningĀ 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection.Ā Ā 5-stars on Amazon. Use ā20lessnowā code here (Seattle Books).Ā Ā No discount from Amazon. Find e- book links at gigilanger.com.
From me to you!
Gigi Langer has been clean and sober for 33 years, and holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University. She’s a sought-after speaker and retreat leader who has helped thousands improve their lives at work and at home.Ā