Gigi Langer

Worry Less Now!

 Love More Now!


“Our fears, whether large or small, were distorted. And we still distort those fears, on occasion, because we move away from the spiritual reality of our lives.” Karen Casey, ”Each Day a Dew Beginning” (Hazelden)

Sometimes my fears grab the microphone and whisper (or sometimes scream) lies such as: “If I can’t fix this, I can’t be happy!!”

I fell victim to this incessant voice recently as I tried to resolve thorny technical issues with Amazon and i-tunes. Further, a barely started book chapter was due July 9. After several weeks, I could not resolve these issues, NO MATTER WHAT I DID!

Eventually, I found myself swearing at other drivers and peeling out onto a busy street. That reckless action got my attention.

So, I admitted to myself how pissed I was and went to a meeting. There I admitted how victimized I felt—just like a powerless little girl. As others shared the “wisdom of the rooms,” Spirit’s voice of hope and sanity dissolved my rage.

When I got home, I listed on paper the three situations and then wrote “Higher Power, I place each of these into your hands and mind. I thank you for the perfect resolution for each of them.”

The next day, God pulled the rabbits out of the hat! Amazon e-mailed to explain what I needed to do; the lovely i-tunes people resolved that technical issue; and I found out the book chapter wasn’t due for two months.

Now, if that isn’t evidence that “turning it over” works, what is?

I sometimes ask myself, “Why couldn’t I have let it go sooner and saved myself all this aggravation?” Even after 33 years, I sometimes still deny my feelings—especially anger (remember, “All addictions are feeling disorders.”)

For me, the only solution to my mind’s distortions is to surrender them to my Higher Power. I’m always grateful when I do — even if it takes a I while!

WHAT WORKS FOR YOU?? I’d love to hear from you!


Let go worry less now gigi langerAs we approach the holidays, we often find ourselves triggered by feelings of: Overwhelm (How will I get it all done?); Worry (How am I going to handle this family member?); Self-pity (I feel so alone; no one loves me!); Shame (Will they ever forgive me and trust me again?); or Resentment (Why does she/he get so much more attention, money, love than I do?)

I know these feelings well. Just let me get too afraid, hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, and the negativity goes on a spree inside my head.

Since the holidays are ripe for such challenges, I want to share my two favorite ways to restore my sanity and balance when I’ve lost it. I’ve memorized each of them and they really work!

Whenever you have a negative thought or action toward anything or anyone, pause, remove yourself from the situation (if possible), and repeat the phrases of “Loving-Kindness” or “The Activity of God.” Then notice how you begin to calm down and gain a new perspective. When you return to the situation you’ll find yourself thinking and responding differently.

Loving-Kindness Practice

The loving-kindness practice Buddhists call metta calms your mind, opens your heart to goodness and love, and connects you with the power within your true self. The practice also asks for the healing of your fears, worries, and negative thinking so you can serve others’ growth.

1) Say the words aloud:

  • May I be at peace.  May my heart remain open.
  • May I awaken to the light of my own true nature.
  • May I be healed. May I be a source of healing for all beings.

2) With one or more of your loved ones in mind, say the prayer again changing I to you: “May you be at peace. May your heart….”

3) Next, change you to we: “May we be at peace….”

4) Now use the “May you” version of the prayer for a person you feel is causing you worry, frustration, or pain: “May you (name) be at peace…”

The Activity of God, by Sig Paulson, Daily Word (Unity Church) 

This affirmation reminds me that negative thoughts are making my problems appear bigger than they are; and these appearances are just that, figments of my overactive imagination. It shrinks my fears by reminding me of who I truly am: an individual expression of a loving power.

  • The activity of God is the only power at work in my mind, heart, and life.
  • All false beliefs, all negative appearances are dissolved right now by the loving, forgiving action of God.
  • I am whole, strong, and free, as God created me to be.

1) First, you assert God (or higher power, true self, etc.) is bigger than your past wounds, stronger than your worries and fears, and wiser than your intellect. This benevolent power is the only one you want to influence your life.

2) Next, you claim your loving power has dissolved your negative beliefs and fearful imaginings. (I love the image of dissolving; I see it as washing out, softening, and reducing the sludge-like fears and worries of my mind.)

3) In this same sentence, you encounter the words, forgiving action of God. This forgiveness doesn’t refer to sin or any other dogma. It simply means releasing the negative thoughts and actions that separate you from others.

4) Finally, you claim the truth of who you are; not the person you may present to the world, but your true self, endowed with positive power, whole, strong and free.

This holiday season, I wish you patience, acceptance, and kindness—and the ability to attain peace of mind when you get triggered into negativity.

 Gigi Langer, PhD, wrote the award-winning 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity and Connection. Five stars on Amazon plus rave reviews. All order links here.

Serendipity: A Source of Mysterious Inspiration

angel serendipity Worry Less Now

Do You Believe in Angels? God? Miracles? 

How do you explain serendipity–those amazing coincidences that happen out of the blue; and looking back, you realize it was absolutely perfect? As much as we try to explain such events, logic defies it.

Some say serendipity is a type of coincidence where “God remains anonymous.” My sister calls it providence. Whether we call it God, true self, higher self, wisdom, spirit, or the universe, it’s tough to describe the source of such unerring guidance. (Click here for more about sources of positive power.) 

Light of Grace SerendipityAn Angel? Really??

Kasey Claytor’s The Light of Grace offers an intriguing portrait of how serendipity might work. A newly minted angel named Grace is given four humans from different historic eras to guide. Throughout their lives, she watches over them lovingly and helps when necessary.

For example, she enters their thoughts when they pray, meditate, or savor a scene of beauty. At such moments, they often receive an uncanny insight leading to greater fulfillment and happiness.

But, Angel Grace offers other help beyond merely influencing thoughts. For example, she comes to Earth temporarily as a priest named Father Timothy (this is very unusual behavior for an angel, but she finds it necessary). Garth, one of the men under Grace’s care, is instantly drawn to this priest who inspires him when his path is temporarily blocked. After Father Timothy disappears, Grace continues to guide Garth as he becomes one of the great spiritual teachers of his time.

Jane StallingsA Life-Changing Moment of Serendipity

Perhaps you’ve experienced the hand of serendipity as I did when I first saw Jane Stallings. As I listened to her speech at Stanford, her combination of charisma and intellect captivated me. I knew I wanted to work with her, and I soon got the opportunity. For the next years, Jane’s influence on my life was angelic.

At that time, I spent every evening at a local bar. This seemed like normal behavior to me; but not to Jane, as she often phoned at night about some work detail, only to find me less than coherent. One day, Jane looked me in the eye and gently suggested that there was something unsettled in me. Underneath those words, I heard, “There’s a part of you that’s broken, and it shows.”

Jane’s comments pierced my illusion that attracting men, earning good grades, and being well liked were hiding my pain. As I grew under her influence, I was inspired to become an educational researcher, professor, and author. But, Jane’s biggest gift was introducing me to A Course in Miracles —a spiritual teaching that opened my heart and mind to recover from alcoholism and my past wounds.

Since that time, I’ve received other serendipitous guidance. For example, running into my future husband at a meeting I only rarely attended; friends suggesting just the right editor, typesetter, and proofreader for my book; the perfect therapist at just the right time. Too many to list.

Looking back at my own human journey, l can see the mark of serendipity’s perfect order–perhaps lovingly orchestrated by the hand of my own Angel Grace. But, who really knows?

What are some of your most important serendipitous moments? I’d love to read about them!

Worry Less Now; Gigi Langer
From me to you!

Gigi Langer is a former “Queen of Worry.” She’s also an educator, speaker, and author of 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection, winner of the 2018 Indie Excellence Award. Available through Amazon (5 stars), Barnes and Noble, and e-book sites.

Langer holds a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education and an MA in Psychology, both from Stanford. As Georgea M. Langer, she has published several books for teachers and school administrators.