discover 50 techniques to overcome

Chronic Worry And Stress


Dysfunctional Relationships

Alcoholism / Addiction

Chronic Pain

Concern About Loved Ones

Author spotlight

Thirty years ago, I used alcohol, romance, and professional accomplishments to soothe my frayed nerves. After I quit drinking, I found I had a serious thinking problem! Over time, I discovered effective tools from therapy, recovery pro­grams, scientific research, and a variety of philosophical and spiritual teachings to find peace, wisdom, and hope–no matter what is going on in my life!

Formerly crowned the “Queen of Worry,” I’ve resigned my post and now live happily with my wonderful husband, Peter, and my cat, Murphy. Although I haven’t had a drug or drink for over 30 years, I do occasionally overindulge in Ghirardelli chocolate and historical novels. 

I hold a PhD in Psychological Studies in Education and an MA in Psychology, both from Stanford University. As a professor at Eastern Michigan University, I won several awards for teaching, and (as Georgea M. Langer) co-authored books and articles for educators.

Gigi Langer

Reviews & Praise

Langer speaks from hard-won experience in her valuable, heartfelt manual on curbing excessive worrying. Her frank and empathetic tone will comfort readers, as will the practical steps she teaches.

BookLife by Publishers Weekly

Even though I have been in recovery for more than four decades, and didn’t think another self-help book would make it to my treasured list, I was wrong. This book is a winner.

Karen Casey, best-selling author of "Each Day a New Beginning" (Hazelden)

NIEA winner

4 life strategies + 50 tools

Thirty years ago, Gigi Langer was a prisoner of her worries who used alcohol, romance, and professional accomplishments to soothe her frayed nerves. After studying and applying tools from recovery pro­grams, scientific research, and a variety of philosophical and spiritual teachings, she stopped drinking and discovered how to overcome her own anxieties and stress.

Worry Less Now offers four life strategies and 50 eclectic tools to dissolve the “whispered lies” of negative self-talk. Although many books address negative thinking, very few give the reader step-by-step directions on how to defeat it. Others simply advocate a single approach.

Regardless of the situation, Worry Less Now will help you gain peace, clarity, and wisdom.

What's inside?

Chapter 1: Four Powerful Strategies to Overcome Worry

Discover tactics to dissolve the negative beliefs underlying your worries.

Chapter 2: Getting Honest About Your Worries

Most people won’t really try something new unless they’re convinced their old way isn’t working. What’s not working in your life?  Which whispered lies are seducing you into thinking that, if you could control everything around you, you could finally be happy?

Chapter 3: Claiming Positive Power

You’ll need a source of power to overcome your self-defeating thinking. Consider various conceptions of positive power and select ones that work for you.

Chapter 4: Choosing a New Future

Whether it’s a vision of how you want to act in a specific situation or a dream you’d like to fulfill, you’ll be empowered to create a goal for your new life. Then you’ll commit to do the work necessary to reach that goal–or something even better.

Chapter 5: Using Growth Practices to Recover Your True Self

See how growth occurs in layers, and how the right tools show up just in time. If you suffer from low self-worth or grew up in a dysfunctional family, you’ll find several helpful ideas.

Chapter 6: Healing Your Relationships

You’ll read how I applied honesty, power, choices, and several new growth tools to overcome a terrifying challenge to my marriage.

Chapter 7: Reaping the Rewards: Peace, Clarity, and Connection

Cultivate peace of mind; achieve clarity to fulfill your dreams, and give and receive love throughout the rest of your life.

Worry Less Now Cover